Thursday, December 13, 2012

A history of food in 100 recipes by William Sitwell

I’m not really a foodie – but I am a wee bit obsessed with watching programmes about food and reading recipes. I’m a ‘food voyeur’ (a phrase learnt from this book). I also really like watching history docos and reading books about history, or historical fiction. (Now, if there was a book/doco about the history of food, which featured sport, that would hit my three fav things.)

I am a fan of books about the history of food, particularly if they have recipes (doesn’t mean I’ll make them). Sitwell’s style is informative yet with enough asides to make it personable. From Ancient Egyptian bread (1958-1913BC) to Heston Blumenthal’s Meat Fruit (2012), via pottage, soufflés, cupcakes and lamb korma Sitwell investigates more than just ‘food’, but our relationship with it. The trends of fashion. The treat of ecological disaster. The growth of convenience food. It is enough to make you assess your own food habits.

This one is for more than just foodies and/or history buffs, this should also appeal to those interested and concerned about the environment, and the impact of chemicals in our diet.

If you like this, try:
  • In the devil's garden by Stewart Lee Allen.
  • Simmering through the ages by Roland Rotherham.
  • A taste of history by Bryan Bruce.
  • Full English by Tom Parker Bowles.
Reviewed by Thalia.

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