Sunday, April 9, 2023

The ugly truth by L.C. North

On the surface Melanie Lange has it all - her father Sir Peter Lange is a wealthy man running the chain of best friend hotels that bear their family name, she was signed as a model when she was a teenager and had a successful modeling career, she married an amazing man and had two perfect children - she had it all.  Or did she?  Melanie Lange has disappeared which to some comes across as a publicity stunt, while others wonder where she is and why she has broken off all contact.  Her father says that she is taking a break from social media and from the craziness that is her life, but her best friend and her now ex-husband are concerned about her disappearing act and lack of contact.

With an increase of concern, and lack of concern, on social media two hashtags rise in popularity - #SaveMelanie and #HelpPeter.  With the level of interest the social media posts raise it is no surprise that Netflix jumps onboard the curiosity train and commissions a documentary on her life and disappearance.  The documentary raises the ghosts of the past for her friends and family, and it is no surprise when startling revelations are brought to light about the 'perfect' life that Melanie used to live.  It also shouldn't be a surprise that Sir Peter feels the need the protect himself and tell the truth - but why won't he talk to the media or to the team behind the Netflix documentary?  Will the truth about Melanie ever come out?

The ugly truth is the most unique and addictive read of 2023 so far.  The author has taken a leap and written the entire book in the form of interview notes, documentary transcripts, social media posts and other written formats - this is not a 'story' in the traditional sense but it really works.  By using this format the reader is taken on a unique journey that covers the past and the present in a way that would be clunky and disrupted in the traditional format - but works seamlessly in this format.  This is a book that picks apart a life that is picked apart by keyboard warriors and supporters on social media.  Melanie may seen like she has it all, but she has also lived her adult life under the microscope of the paparazzi and social media - something that has a major impact on her whole family.  

I don't usually like to read books that are 'too clever' because they tend to feel like the author is just trying to show how smart they are, but in this case The ugly truth was so clever that you didn't even notice how clever it was until it reached the climax.  This is the must-read book of 2023 for anyone who wants to read a book that could almost be a work of nonfiction rather than fiction - the characters are 100% believable (flaws and all) and you never know quite where it is going until the very end.  One thing we know for sure, the portrayal of social media and it's impact is all too real in The ugly truth and while this is a novel you should start hearing warning bells about the dangers of social media and keyboard warriors and trolls.

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Reviewed by Brilla

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