Saturday, December 30, 2017

Blood sisters by Jane Corry

Fifteen years ago Alison, Kitty, and Kitty's best friend Vanessa were walking to school when there was a terrible accident - one that has left scars on the survivors.  Alison lives her life on the side lines, a quiet and simple life that keeps her unnoticed and safe.  She doesn't have a husband or children, she focuses on teaching art and stained glass making at the local college.  It is a self imposed penance and while it does pay the bills, when a chance to work at a local prison as the resident artist arises she sees it as a chance to have a steady income and worry less about supporting herself and leaning on her mother for financial help. 

Her mother is already stretched after all, paying the extra cost for keeping her sister Kitty in a care home - the place she has lived for the fifteen years since the accident that left her with severe brain injuries.  Locked inside her own mind Kitty is frustrated by the people around her not understanding what she is trying to say, and she has a reputation for being difficult at her care home.  Kitty has no idea that her life is about to change in a sudden and remarkable way, and that the past is going to come back to haunt everyone in her family.  

Blood sisters is one of those books that are great to read and nightmare to review because you usually want a review to draw the reader in and hook them, but sharing the best bits of Blood sisters runs the risk of spoiling the way the story unfolds for the reader.  The first part of the story is told in the present, flipping between Alison and Kitty as they go about their everyday lives, nothing spectacular or remarkable for either of them.  As the story progresses the pace picks up, especially when we start to get glimpses of them both as school girls. 

I won't say anymore as it runs the risk of spoilers, but this was a nice slow burn that built into an avalanche that had me hooked from page one - so much so that I finished it in a single sitting and passed it on to my mother to read as well.

If you like this book then try:

Reviewed by Brilla

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